Digital Rails

File: ATSF8139/Sound/C30-7cab.SMS


Tr_SMS (
	Skip ( ** SL 5 sounds - Two looping audio streams, multiple waves - pitch shifted & Xfaded by rpm                            ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Horn audio stream				                                								                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Bell audio stream				                                								                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Sander audio stream				                                            	                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Compressor audio stream				                                        	                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One TBrake & IBrake audio stream {as only one shots for apply and off - unkilely to be at same time} ** )
	Skip ( **             - One DBrake audio stream				                                            	                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Coupling audio stream				                                            	                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Control audio stream with individual Control sounds                                              ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Vigalence alarm audio stream                                                                     ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Wipers audio stream                                              ** )
	ScalabiltyGroup( 5
		Activation (			CabCam			()			Distance    	(100)		)
		Deactivation (		ExternalCam ()			PassengerCam	()			Distance    	(100)		)
		Stereo ()
		Streams ( 11
			Stream (
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 11
					Skip( **** The engine/current related sounds - Stream 1 {Xfade}         **** )
					Initial_Trigger  ( 							            StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.050 ReleaseLoopRelease () )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.150 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise3.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.450 ReleaseLoopRelease () )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.550 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise5.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.850 ReleaseLoopRelease () )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.850 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise5.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.550 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.450 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise3.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.150 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.050 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					CurvePoints ( 8
						0.000		12025
						0.150		12025
						0.450		13000
						0.500		13000
						0.501		12025
						0.550		12025
						0.850		13000
						1.000		13000
					Granularity ( 100 )
					CurvePoints ( 12
						 0.000		1.0
						 0.010		1.0
						 0.050		0.0
						 0.150		0.0
						 0.250		1.0
						 0.350		1.0
						 0.450		0.0
						 0.550		0.0
						 0.650		1.0
						 0.750		1.0
						 0.850		0.0
						 1.000		0.0
					Granularity ( 0.05 )
			Stream (
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 10
					Skip( **** The engine/current related sounds - Stream 2 {Xfade}         **** )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.010 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise2.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.250 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.350 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise4.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.650 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.750 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise6.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.750 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.650 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise4.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.350 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.250 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise2.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.010 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					CurvePoints ( 11
						0.000		12025
						0.010		12025
						0.250		13000
						0.300		13000
						0.301		12025
						0.350		12025
						0.650		13000
						0.700		13000
						0.701		12025
						0.750		12025
						1.000		13000
					Granularity ( 100 )
					CurvePoints ( 12
						 0.000		0.0
						 0.010		0.0
						 0.050		1.0
						 0.150		1.0
						 0.250		0.0
						 0.350		0.0
						 0.450		1.0
						 0.550		1.0
						 0.650		0.0
						 0.750		0.0
						 0.850		1.0
						 1.000		1.0
					Granularity ( 0.05 )
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the horn to be played at the same time  	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 2
					Discrete_Trigger ( 8	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "U33horn1.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection )	)	)
					Discrete_Trigger ( 9	ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump ()	)
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the horn to be played at the same time  	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 2
					Discrete_Trigger ( 10	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "U_bell1.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection )	)	)
					Discrete_Trigger ( 11 ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump ()	)
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the sander to be played at the same time  	**** )				
				Priority ( 5 )			
				Triggers ( 2				
					Discrete_Trigger (  4	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_sand.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger (  5	ReleaseLoopRelease () )	
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the Compressor to be played at the same time  	**** )				
				Priority ( 6 )			
				Triggers ( 2				
					Discrete_Trigger (  12	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "d9_compressor.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger (  13	ReleaseLoopRelease () )	
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the Train Brake & Independant Brakes to be played at the same time  	**** )
				Priority ( 5 )
				Triggers ( 5
					Skip ( **** NOTE: Need to check if correct waves used for apply/release  	**** )
					Skip ( ****       Assumes 3 = Release, 1 & 2 = Apply  	                  **** )
				  Skip ( **** Tbrake 	**** )
				  Skip ( **** Release 	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 14 	PlayOneShot ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto3.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
				  Skip ( **** Apply {normal & emergency}	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 53  	PlayOneShot ( 2 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto1.wav" -1 ) File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( RandomSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 54 	PlayOneShot ( 2 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto1.wav" -1 ) File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( RandomSelection ) ) )
				  Skip ( **** Ibrake 	**** )
				  Skip ( **** Release 	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 21 	PlayOneShot ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_ind3.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
				  Skip ( **** Apply	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 22  	PlayOneShot ( 2 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_ind1.wav" -1 ) File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_ind2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( RandomSelection ) ) )
			Stream (
				Skip( **** Dynamic brakes **** )
				Skip( **** NOTE: First See comment for SL 3 Dynamic brake. 																									** )
				Skip( ****       I am going to continue using Method 2 outlined there for the moment, since I am not sure   ** )
				Skip( ****       if the waves we have will allow crossfading {due to the loop/release} - I may be able      ** )
				Skip( ****       to manage something using the play only one block feature { setting the number after       ** )
				Skip( ****       the filename to something other than	-1 }, But I will look at if I have more time.         ** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 10
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable3_Inc_Past 0.05  StartLoopRelease   ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_dynb_dyn1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable3_Dec_Past 0.05  ReleaseLoopRelease  () )					
					CurvePoints ( 2
						  0.0		12025
						  1.0		17800
					Granularity ( 100 )
			Stream (
				Priority ( 5 )
				Triggers ( 6
					Discrete_Trigger ( 58 PlayOneShot ( 1 	File ( "couple_auto1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod (SequentialSelection) ) ) 
					Discrete_Trigger ( 59 PlayOneShot ( 1 	File ( "couple_auto2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod (SequentialSelection) ) ) 
					Discrete_Trigger ( 60 PlayOneShot ( 1 	File ( "couple_auto3.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod (SequentialSelection) ) ) 
					Discrete_Trigger ( 61 PlayOneShot ( 1 	File ( "uncouple_auto1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod (SequentialSelection) ) ) 
					Discrete_Trigger ( 62 PlayOneShot ( 1 	File ( "uncouple_auto2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod (SequentialSelection) ) ) 
					Discrete_Trigger ( 63 PlayOneShot ( 1 	File ( "uncouple_auto3.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod (SequentialSelection) ) ) 
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream plays all the controls samples  	**** )
				Skip ( **** NOTE: Missing AWS Alarm                     	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 9
					Discrete_Trigger ( 15	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_reverserf.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 16	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_throttlef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 17	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_abrakef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 18	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_ibrakef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 20	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_dbrakef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 26	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_sandf.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 37	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_flightsf.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 48	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 51	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_ebrake.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
				Skip ( **** Vigelence alarm  	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers( 4
					Discrete_Trigger ( 56	SetStreamVolume ( 1.0 ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 56	StartLoopRelease ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_deadman.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 57	SetStreamVolume ( 0.0 ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 57	ReleaseLoopRelease() ) 

	Skip ( ** SL 3 sounds - Two looping audio stream, idle wave and 3 moving waves - pitch shifted & Xfaded by rpm               ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Horn audio stream				                                								                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Bell audio stream				                                								                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Sander audio stream				                                            	                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Compressor audio stream				                                        	                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One TBrake & IBrake audio stream {as only one shots for apply and off - unkilely to be at same time} ** )
	Skip ( **             - One DBrake audio stream				                                            	                         ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Control audio stream with individual Control sounds                                              ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Vigalence alarm audio stream                                                                     ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Wipers audio stream                                              ** )
	ScalabiltyGroup( 3
		Activation (			CabCam			()			Distance    	(100)		)
		Deactivation (		ExternalCam ()			PassengerCam	()			Distance    	(100)		)
		Stereo ()
		Streams ( 10
			Stream (
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 8
					Skip( **** The engine/current related sounds - Stream 1 {Xfade}         **** )
					Initial_Trigger  ( 							            StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.010 ReleaseLoopRelease () )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.300 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise3.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.700 ReleaseLoopRelease () )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.700 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise3.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.300 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.010 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					CurvePoints ( 3
						0.000		12025
						0.300		12025
						0.700		15000
					Granularity ( 100 )
					CurvePoints ( 8
						 0.000		1.0
						 0.010		1.0
						 0.011		0.0
						 0.300		0.0
						 0.350		1.0
						 0.650		1.0
						 0.700		0.0
						 1.000		0.0
					Granularity ( 0.05 )
			Stream (
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 6
					Skip( **** The engine/current related sounds - Stream 2 {Xfade}         **** )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.004 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.350 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past 0.650 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise5.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.650 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.350 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past 0.004 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					CurvePoints ( 6
						0.000		12025
						0.005		12025
						0.350		15000
						0.400		15000
						0.650		12025
						1.000		15000
					Granularity ( 100 )
					CurvePoints ( 8
						 0.000		0.0
						 0.005		0.0
						 0.055		1.0
						 0.300		1.0
						 0.350		0.0
						 0.600		0.0
						 0.680		0.6
						 1.000		1.0
					Granularity ( 0.05 )
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the horn to be played at the same time  	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 2
					Discrete_Trigger ( 8	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "U33horn1.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection )	)	)
					Discrete_Trigger ( 9	ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump ()	)
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the horn to be played at the same time  	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 2
					Discrete_Trigger ( 10	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "U_bell1.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection )	)	)
					Discrete_Trigger ( 11 ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump ()	)
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the sander to be played at the same time  	**** )				
				Priority ( 5 )			
				Triggers ( 2				
					Discrete_Trigger (  4	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_sand.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger (  5	ReleaseLoopRelease () )	
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the Compressor to be played at the same time  	**** )				
				Priority ( 6 )			
				Triggers ( 2				
					Discrete_Trigger (  12	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "d9_compressor.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger (  13	ReleaseLoopRelease () )	
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the Train Brake & Independant Brakes to be played at the same time  	**** )
				Priority ( 5 )
				Triggers ( 5
					Skip ( **** NOTE: Need to check if correct waves used for apply/release  	**** )
					Skip ( ****       Assumes 3 = Release, 1 & 2 = Apply  	                  **** )
				  Skip ( **** Tbrake 	**** )
				  Skip ( **** Release 	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 14 	PlayOneShot ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto3.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
				  Skip ( **** Apply {normal & emergency}	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 53  	PlayOneShot ( 2 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto1.wav" -1 ) File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( RandomSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 54 	PlayOneShot ( 2 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto1.wav" -1 ) File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_auto2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( RandomSelection ) ) )
				  Skip ( **** Ibrake 	**** )
				  Skip ( **** Release 	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 21 	PlayOneShot ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_ind3.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
				  Skip ( **** Apply	**** )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 22  	PlayOneShot ( 2 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_ind1.wav" -1 ) File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_airb_ind2.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( RandomSelection ) ) )
			Stream (
				Skip( **** Dynamic brakes **** )
				Skip( **** NOTE: There are two ways to play DBrakes **** )
				Skip( ****       1/ If we have multiple samples for differing work levels fade between with cross faded loops       **** )
				Skip( ****          This is the intention for SL5 - although I am uncertian if the samples we have will allow this. **** )
				Skip( ****       2/ Use a Single wave and frequency shift as more effort applied. I will use this lower memory      **** )
				Skip( ****          solution for SL3                                                                                **** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 10
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable3_Inc_Past 0.05  StartLoopRelease   ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_dynb_dyn1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable3_Dec_Past 0.05  ReleaseLoopRelease  () )					
					CurvePoints ( 2
						  0.0		12025
						  1.0		17800
					Granularity ( 100 )
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream plays all the controls samples  	**** )
				Priority ( 5 )
				Triggers ( 9
					Discrete_Trigger ( 15	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_reverserf.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 16	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_throttlef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 17	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_abrakef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 18	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_ibrakef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 20	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_dbrakef.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 26	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_sandf.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 37	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_flightsf.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 48	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 51	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_ebrake.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
				Skip ( **** Vigelence alarm  	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers( 4
					Discrete_Trigger ( 56	SetStreamVolume ( 1.0 ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 56	StartLoopRelease ( 1 File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_deadman.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 57	SetStreamVolume ( 0.0 ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 57	ReleaseLoopRelease() ) 

	Skip ( ** SL 1 sounds - One looping audio stream, idle wave and moving - pitch shifted by rpm     ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Horn audio stream				                                              ** )
	Skip ( **             - One Control audio stream with generic control sounds                      ** )
	ScalabiltyGroup( 1
		Activation (			CabCam			()			Distance    	(100)		)
		Deactivation (		ExternalCam ()			PassengerCam	()			Distance    	(100)		)
		Stereo ()
		Streams ( 3
			Stream (
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 5
					Skip( **** The engine/current related sounds **** )
					Initial_Trigger  ( 							            StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past  1.00 ReleaseLoopRelease () )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Inc_Past  1.00 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise4.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past  1.00 ReleaseLoopRelease () )					
					Variable_Trigger ( Variable2_Dec_Past  1.00 StartLoop   ( 1 File ( "U_power_cruise1.wav" -1 )   SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					CurvePoints ( 3
						0.000		10000
						0.010		10000
						1.000		12500
					Granularity ( 100 )
					CurvePoints ( 3
						 0.000		0.5
						 0.100		1.0
						 1.000		1.0
					Granularity ( 0.05 )
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream allows the horn to be played at the same time  	**** )
				Priority ( 6 )
				Triggers ( 2
					Discrete_Trigger ( 8	StartLoopRelease ( 1	File ( "U33horn1.wav" -1 )	SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection )	)	)
					Discrete_Trigger ( 9	ReleaseLoopReleaseWithJump ()	)
			Stream (
				Skip ( **** This stream plays all the controls samples  	**** )
				Priority ( 5 )
				Triggers ( 11
					Discrete_Trigger (  6	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger (  7	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 15	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 16	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 17	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 18	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 20	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 26	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 37	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 48	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )
					Discrete_Trigger ( 51	PlayOneShot ( 1	File ( "../../DASH9/SOUND/d9_econtrol1.wav" -1 ) SelectionMethod ( SequentialSelection ) ) )

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