Digital Rails

File: ReadMe.txt

Repaints of BN B30-7AB into both phases of the model.  


Original model courtesy of Streamlines.

See for the free download that contains the necessary shape file.


SLI BN Pack from the Streamlines website


one directory ***

***The person downloading this MUST BE FAMILIAR with decompressing/modifying/recompressing the
original shape files that are included with the Streamlines BN Pack.***


Unzip the contents of this archive and place them in the SLI.BN directory

Copy the shape file BN_B30_7AB_4062.s and name the copy BN_B30_7AB_4075.s

Decompress the BN_B30_7AB_4075.s file with your favorite compression utility

The first part of the installation procedure is to create the shape files for the 3 additional Phase 2 
B30-7ABs (those identical to the 4062), and then modify the working copy of the text file for the phase 1
B30-7AB features, then create the additional copies of shape files for the 4 phase 1 road numbers.

Part 1:

Edit the image section of the decompressed shape file, replacing b307a.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4075a.ace
and b307b.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4075b.ace    Save the text file as BN_B30_7AB_4075.txt

Edit the same lines again, replacing BN_B30_7AB_4075a.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4109a.ace and 
BN_B30_7AB_4075b.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4109b.ace.  Save As BN_B30_7AB_4109.txt

Edit the same lines again, replacing BN_B30_7AB_4109a.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4118a.ace and 
BN_B30_7AB_4109b.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4118b.ace.  Save As BN_B30_7AB_4118.txt

Part 2

The next step is to find these lines at the top the shape file

	shader_names ( 2
		named_shader ( TexDiff )
		named_shader ( BlendATexDiff )

And alter it to read

	shader_names ( 2
		named_shader ( BlendATexDiff )
		named_shader ( BlendATexDiff )

Then locate the following lines

	prim_states ( 8
		prim_state 1_-_Default ( 00000000 0
			tex_idxs ( 1 0 ) 0 0 0 0 1
		prim_state 1_-_Default ( 00000000 0
			tex_idxs ( 1 0 ) 0 1 0 0 1

And alter it to read

	prim_states ( 8
		prim_state 1_-_Default ( 00000000 1      
			tex_idxs ( 1 0 ) 0 0 1 0 1
		prim_state 1_-_Default ( 00000000 0
			tex_idxs ( 1 0 ) 0 1 0 0 1

Part 3

Then edit the Image section lines, replacing BN_B30_7AB_4118a.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4004a.ace and 
BN_B30_7AB_4118b.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4004b.ace.  Save As BN_B30_7AB_4004.txt

Edit the same lines again, replacing BN_B30_7AB_4004a.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4011a.ace and 
BN_B30_7AB_4004b.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4011b.ace.  Save As BN_B30_7AB_4011.txt

Edit the same lines again, replacing BN_B30_7AB_4011a.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4037a.ace and 
BN_B30_7AB_4011b.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4037b.ace.  Save As BN_B30_7AB_4037.txt

Edit the same lines again, replacing BN_B30_7AB_4037a.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4050a.ace and 
BN_B30_7AB_4037b.ace with BN_B30_7AB_4050b.ace.  Save As BN_B30_7AB_4050.txt

You should end up with 7 text files named for units 4004, 4011, 4037, 4050, 4075, 4109 and 4118.

Compress these 7 files with your favorite compression utility. You should end up with 3 additional
phase 2 B30-7ABs with the dynamic brake hatch, and 4 phase 1 B30-7ABs without the dynamic brake hatch.

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