Digital Rails

File: BN_44CW_6100/oldreadme.txt

Readme -  Dash 9 with Microsoft Train Simulator logo	

Your new Dash 9 with Microsoft Train Simulator logo has replaced the Dash 9 installed with the product.  

You don't have to do anything to access it. Whenever you use the Dash 9 in Train Simulator, it will have the Train 
Simulator logo.

If you wish to return to the original Dash 9:
1. Open the directory where Train Simulator is installed, open the Trains directory, open the Trainset directory, 
   and finally open the Dash 9 directory. (The default install path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Train 
2. Right-click the file us2dash9.ace and select Rename.
3. Rename the file to something else, such as us2dash9.logo.
4. Select the file us2dash9.old and rename it to us2dash9.ace.

Now when you use the Dash 9 in Train Simulator, it will be the standard version that shipped with the product.

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