Digital Rails

File: CNW_C41dash8_Pack/BCLW ReadMe.txt

British Columbia Locomotive Works - CNW C41dash8 Three Pack
Pack Includes:
CNW C41dash8 #8550
CNW C41dash8 #8556
CNW C41dash8 #8569
1. Copy UP_C40dash8_9183.s (located in UP_C40dash8_9183 in your trainset folder), place it in all three CNW folders and rename them to what the .sd file is called.
2. Copy c40c.ace and c40d.ace and place them in all three folders.
3. Create a consist and ENJOY!
Model by Danny Beck/Streamlines Corp
Painted by Daniel Schmidt
British Columbia Locomotive Works |

If you have any Questions, Comments or Problems to report, Please email us at . Thanks!

* Disclaimer *
BCLW claims no responsibility for any damage or problems that this
file may cause (But it shouldn't, it works fine for us)

These repaints are freeware and are not to be sold or distributed anyware without our premission. This model is used with premission from SLI.

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