Digital Rails


File: EJ&E_SD38-2's/EJE SD38-2 676/SD38-2 Shapefile Modifications Instructions.txt

Instructions for modifying the SLI BN SD40-2 Shapefile

1) Make a COPY of your BN_SD40_2_6782 shapefile. DO NOT edit your original! This way you can 
   always throw away your copy if something goes wrong.

2) Uncompress the copy of the shapefile using the program of your choice. 
   (I recomend Route Riter, available at Just search for )

3) Open the shapefile using notepad or another text editor

4) Search for this line:
   (I recomend doing a word seach for "prim_states". That should take you to the right area.

	prim_states ( 13
		prim_state 1_-_Default ( 00000000 0
			tex_idxs ( 1 0 ) 0 0 0 0 1

5) Change the section so that is reads like this:

	prim_states ( 13
		prim_state 1_-_Default ( 00000000 1
			tex_idxs ( 1 0 ) 0 0 1 0 1

   Note- All you have to change is the last "0" to a "1: in the second line (prim_state 1_-_Default), then 
   in the 3rd line (tex_idxs) change the 4th "0" to a "1"

6) Now- find this line:

	images ( 4
		image ( SD40a.ace )
		image ( SD40b.ace )
		image ( SD40c.ace )
		image ( SD40d.ace )

7) Change it so it reads like this:

	images ( 4
		image ( SD38a.ace )
		image ( SD38b.ace )
		image ( SD38c.ace )
		image ( SD38d.ace )

   You could also copy and paste, just make sure to not change any of the spacing or other
   characters, or errors could result.

8) Recompress the shapefile again using Route Riter.

9) Change the shapefile's name to the name on the .sd file.

10) Put the engine in your trainset folder, make a consist and enjoy!

Any questions, contact me at Alternately, almost any of the forums should
also be able to help with this.

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