Digital Rails

File: NJT_6999/KLW_readme.txt

KLW TrainSim:
Metra MP36PH-3S 4-Pack v1.0
By Kurt Kaminer - KLW TrainSim
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* Microsoft: Train Simulator Update v1.2
* MSTSbin 1.7.x or higher



What can I say? I started this project over two years ago, where it sat, languishing in Train-Sim Modeler in an unfinished mess for a good part of that time. Turn the clock forward to December 2007, put a college fellow on three-week semester break in front of a brand new gaming unit he just built, and that unfinished mess began to rise out of the ashes into what would become an MP36PH-3S.

Poetry aside, that pretty much explains the package. You've just downloaded KLW's brand-new 4-pack Metra MP36PH-3S locomotive set - four Metra MPI MP36PH-3S locomotives with brand new cabviews, a special edition of our KLW 40 Series Sound Pack v4.0 (full version not released as of the date of this package) edited for proper N3-N8 RPM sounds, and some other scattered new odds and ends to go along with it all.

Pacakge includes Metra units #401, #414, #424 and #426. #401 (the Oliver Tibbles unit) utilizes the earlier, large forward grills; the other three units feature the current smaller grills as added to the Metra MP36 fleet in 2006.  None of the four units have been weathered. Frankly, I'm not too good at weathering, let alone textures - I'll leave the dirtying up of these machines to the experts.

Lighting is MSTSbin-specific, and so is one of the cabview displays - if you wish to run these units out of MSTSbin, that is fine, but be prepared to make some modifications. Lights include flashing ditchlights and gyrolight - emergency brake applications will activate the red strobelight on the roof. AI headlights are included as well.

Well, that pretty much sums it up. I hope you enjoy the units, and they come up to the expectations you've been expecting for 2+ years now. 




-ThoPil for his PolymasterPlus, for without his excellent utility, this locomotive would have never seen Train Simulator.

-Tristan Garrett, Michael Hansen, and John Means for their help, photographs, sounds, and prototype information provided - without you fellows on the job, this MP36 would never have been nearly as accurate to the real thing.

-Joe LeMay, for his constant nagging me to finish the MP36...for two solid non-stop years.

-All the creators and suggestionmakers of the MSTSbin update. You've made MSTS more enjoyable then it ever has been. Pity I never have time to actually enjoy it ;)

-Everybody who's helped, thanked, cajoled, critizied, nagged and attacked me since I dropped into the black hole of the MSTS hobby back in '01. If it were not for you, I would not have the ambition to outdo (or at least, attempt to outdo) myself with each subsequent KLW release.



Refer to KLW website for latest respective EULA. 

Distribution/modification/re-release prohibited in the event of site outage/temporary EULA dissapearance, etc.

Distribution is limited to the Members section of KLW TrainSim.



-3D Model:
--Kurt Kaminer

--Kurt Kaminer
--Tristan Garrett

--Kurt Kaminer
--MASW (MARS light)

-ENG file:
--Bob Boudoin

--Kurt Kaminer

-KLW 40 Series Sounds v4.0 editing and .SMS files:
--Kurt Kaminer
-EMD 645 recordings:
--Michael Hansen

-Sound recordings:
--Michael Hansen

-Prototype Reference:
--Tristan Garrett
--John Means

Once again, I hope you enjoy this package, and likewise, that you have a merry Christmas, and an equally happy, bright and safe New Year's '08.

Take care,

Kurt K.
KLW TrainSim

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