Digital Rails

File: NS_D9-40C_8885/Install_NS8885.txt

ÿþBEW Renumber of MLT C40-9 #8779 into classmate #8885

REQUIREMENTS Maple Leaf Tracks Norfolk Southern Engine pack is required for shape and ace files.


Copy the shape file NS_D9dash40C_8779.s and ace files dash9c.ace & dash9d.ace from the NS_D9dash40C_8779 folder on your hard drive to the folder created by unzipping this download and rename the shape file to NS_D9dash40C_8885.s move the folder to your MSTS TRAINS\TRAINSET directory, move the .con file to the TRAINS\CONSISTS directory and you should then be able to find the engine within the sim and run it.

Updated ace files for NS engine pack engine #8779 are included in a seperate folder which contains full instructions.

A consist is included to get you up and running.

Gratefull thanks to all at MLT for the great engines to work with in the first place.

I have  applied  the front  coupler fix to the engine files and increased the derail buffer force as well as 

raising the sd file height for ground clearence to 0.95 (these all help to eliminate bouncing and give a better ride over points) if you do not wish for these mods they are easily reversed by copying back the default values from the NS_D9dash40C_8779 engine file.

Renumber and update by Bernard Grant (burgerburn)

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