Digital Rails

File: SP_SD45_8957/SP_SD45_8957.eng


Wagon ( SP_SD45_8957
      Type ( Engine )
		Constructed by Maple Leaf Tracks as part of their SP Heritage Set#1
		Locomotive Physics based on Locomotive Physics V4.7 by Bob Boudoin
		Engine Modification were made by Bernard Grant and Greg Davies
		Cloned from SPH SD45 8821 by Greg Davies, 12/2006
		Window Glass Freight Animiation by Andrey Tucker-Wells
     	WagonShape( SP_SD45_8957.s )
	FreightAnim( SD45_L_Window.s 1 1 )
	Size( 3.318m 4.768m 20.0m )
	Mass( 184.6t )
	WheelRadius( 20in )
	InertiaTensor( Box( 3.318m 4.768m 20.0m ) )
		Comment( Rear Coupler )
		Type( Automatic )
			Stiffness( 1e6N/m 5e6N/m )
			Damping( 1e6N/m/s 3e6N/m/s )
			Break( 1e10N 5e7N )
			r0( 4cm 4cm )
		CouplingHasRigidConnection( 1 )
		Velocity( 0.1m/s )
		Comment( Front Coupler )
		Type( Automatic )
			Stiffness( 1e6N/m 5e6N/m )
			Damping( 1e6N/m/s 3e6N/m/s )
			Break( 1e10N 5e7N )
			r0( 4cm 4cm )
		CouplingHasRigidConnection( 1 )
		Velocity( -0.5m/s )

	Adheasion( 0.29 0.50 2.0 0 )
	DerailRailHeight( 5cm )
	DerailRailForce( 2.6*184.6t )
	DerailBufferForce( 785kN )
	NumWheels( 6 )

		1889.4N/m/s	     -0.10		1.4mph	     20.317N/m/s	1.766
		5.1N/rad/s		1		-1rad/s		0		1

	BrakeEquipmentType( "Triple_valve, Auxilary_reservoir, Emergency_brake_reservoir" )
	BrakeSystemType( "Air_single_pipe" )
	MaxBrakeForce( 94.7kN )

	EmergencyBrakeResMaxPressure( 90 )
	TripleValveRatio( 2.5 )
	EmergencyResVolumeMultiplier( 1.461 )
	MaxReleaseRate( 0.49 )
	MaxApplicationRate( 0.93 )
	MaxAuxilaryChargingRate( 0.28 )
	EmergencyResCapacity( 11 )
	EmergencyResChargingRate( 0.24 )
	BrakeCylinderPressureForMaxBrakeBrakeForce( 64 )

	IntakePoint( -3.33 0.4 FuelDiesel )
	IntakePoint(  3.33 0.4 FuelDiesel )

	Lights( 13
			Comment( Sphere of light )
			Type( 1 )
				Headlight( 3 )
				Unit( 2 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( FFFFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 3.5 8 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 300.0 )
					Angle( 45.0 )
			Comment( Sphere of lights Dim )
			Type( 1 )
				Headlight( 2 )
				Unit( 2 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( 40FFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 4.0 8 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 100.0 )
					Angle( 45.0 )
			Comment( Nose light right dim )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 2 )
				Unit( 2 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( 80ffffca )
					Position( -0.097 2.935 8.97 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.5 )
			Comment( Nose light left dim )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 2 )
				Unit( 2 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( 80ffffca )
					Position( 0.097 2.935 8.99 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.5 )
			Comment( Nose light Right bright )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 3 )
				Unit( 2 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( FFFFFFCA )
					Position( -0.097 2.935 8.97 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Nose light Left bright )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 3 )
				Unit( 2 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( FFFFFFCA )
					Position( 0.097 2.935 8.99 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Rear Right light )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 3 )
				Unit( 3 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( FFFFFFCA )
					Position( 0.097 3.78 -8.91 )
					Azimuth( -180 -180 -180 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Rear Left light )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 3 )
				Unit( 3 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( FFFFFFCA )
					Position( -0.097 3.78 -8.93 )
					Azimuth( -180 -180 -180 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Top Cab Light Non Oscillating )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 2 )
				Unit( 2 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( 80FFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 4.14 7.27 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Bottom Cab Light Non Oscillating )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 2 )
				Unit( 2 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			States( 1
					Duration( 0.0 )
					LightColour( 80FFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 3.89 7.25 )
					Transition( 0 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Top Cab Light Oscillating )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 3 )
				Unit( 2 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			States( 2
					Duration( 0.5 )
					LightColour( FFFFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 4.14 7.27 )
					Transition( 1 )
					Radius( 0.8 )
					Duration( 1.0 )
					LightColour( 80FFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 4.14 7.27 )
					Transition( 1 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Bottom Cab Light Oscillating )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 3 )
				Unit( 2 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			States( 2
					Duration( 0.5 )
					LightColour( FFFFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 3.89 7.25 )
					Transition( 1 )
					Radius( 0.8 )
					Duration( 1.0 )
					LightColour( 80FFFFCA )
					Position( 0.0 3.89 7.25 )
					Transition( 1 )
					Radius( 0.6 )
			Comment( Front Emergency Gyralight )
			Type( 0 )
				Headlight( 0 )
				Unit( 2 )
				Penalty( 2 )
			Cycle( 0 )
			FadeIn( 0.5 )
			FadeOut( 0.5 )
			States( 2
					Duration( 0.5 )
					LightColour( ffff0000 )
					Position( 0.0 3.19 8.98 )
					Transition( 1 )
					Radius( 1.2 )
					Duration( 0.5 )
					LightColour( 80ff0000 )
					Position( 0.0 3.19 8.99 )
					Transition( 1 )
					Radius( 0.8 )

	Sound( "..\\..\\MLT_Required\\MLT_SOUNDS\\SP\\T645_EMDeng.sms" )

Engine ( SP_SD45_8957
			Exhaust1( 0 4.59 2.2 0 1 0 0.15 )

	Wagon ( SP_SD45_8957 )
	Type ( Diesel )

	MaxPower( 2228.6kW ) Comment( 3,600 HP x 83% eff. )
	MaxForce( 428.6kN )
	MaxContinuousForce( 365.3kN )
	MaxVelocity( 65mph )
	MaxCurrent( 1500A )
	WheelRadius( 20in )
	Sanding( 15mph )
	NumWheels( 6 )
	MaxTemperature( 120 )
	MaxOilPressure( 90 )

	CabView( SD45L.cvf )
	HeadOut( 1.63 3.35 5.75 )

	MaxDieselLevel( 4000gal )
	DieselUsedPerHourAtMaxPower( 194gal )
	DieselUsedPerHourAtIdle( 6.2gal )

	AirBrakesAirCompressorPowerRating( 3.8 )
	AirBrakesMainMinResAirPressure( 14.7 )
	AirBrakesMainMaxAirPressure( 140 )
	AirBrakesMainResVolume( 11 )
	AirBrakesAirCompressorWattage( 19000 )
	AirBrakesCompressorRestartPressure( 134 )
	AirBrakesAirUsedPerPoundsOfBrakePipePressure( 1.44 )
	AirBrakesIsCompressorElectricOrMechanical( 1 )

	EngineBrakesControllerMinPressureReduction( 6 )
	TrainBrakesControllerMinPressureReduction( 6 )
	EngineBrakesControllerHasProportionalBrake( 1 )
	EngineBrakesProportionalBrakeLag( 0.45 )
	EngineBrakesControllerMaxApplicationRate( 7 )
	TrainBrakesControllerMaxApplicationRate( 3 )
	EngineBrakesControllerMaxReleaseRate( 10 )
	TrainBrakesControllerMaxReleaseRate( 2.4 )
	EngineBrakesControllerEmergencyApplicationRate( 8 )
	TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyApplicationRate( 7 )
	EngineBrakesControllerMinSystemPressure( 15 )
	TrainBrakesControllerMinSystemPressure( 15 )
	EngineBrakesControllerMaxSystemPressure( 90 )
	TrainBrakesControllerMaxSystemPressure( 90 )
	EngineBrakesControllerEmergencyBrakeTimePenalty( 60 )
	TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyBrakeTimePenalty( 60 )
	EngineBrakesControllerFullServicePressureDrop( 26 )
	TrainBrakesControllerFullServicePressureDrop( 26 )
	EngineBrakesControllerDirectControlExponent( 1 )

	DynamicBrakesMinUsableSpeed( 3 )
	DynamicBrakesMaximumEffectiveSpeed( 23 )
	DynamicBrakesMaximumForce( 267kN )
	DynamicBrakesResistorCurrentLimit( 700 )
	DynamicBrakesCutInSpeed( 5 )
	DynamicBrakesMaxAirBrakePressure( 50 )
	DynamicBrakesFadingSpeed( 19 )
	DynamicBrakesDelayTimeBeforeEngaging( 8 )
	DynamicBrakesMaximumSpeedForFadeOut( 400 )
	DynamicBrakesEffectAtMaximumFadeOut( 0 )
	DynamicBrakesHigherSpeedCurveExponent( 10 )
	DynamicBrakesLowerSpeedCurveExponent( 1.6 )
	DynamicBrakesNumberOfControllerNotches( 10 )
      DynamicBrakeHasAutoBailOff( 1 )

      BrakesEngineBrakeType( "Air_single_pipe"  )
	BrakesTrainBrakeType( "Air_single_pipe" )
      BrakesEngineControllers( "Independent, Train, Dynamic" )

	DieselSmokeEffectInitialMagnitude( 0.8 )
	DieselSmokeEffectMaxMagnitude( 1.8 )
	DieselSmokeEffectInitialSmokeRate( 0.8 )
	DieselSmokeEffectMaxSmokeRate( 2.5 )

	DieselEngineIdleRPM( 315 )
	DieselEngineMaxRPM( 900 )
	DieselEngineSpeedOfMaxTractiveEffort( 11.5mph )
      DieselEngineMaxRPMChangeRate( 55 )

      DoesHornTriggerBell( 0 )

		MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit( 0 )
		MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceResetLevel( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake( 1 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine( 0 )

		MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit( -1 )
		MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit( 5 )
		MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceResetLevel( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake( 1 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine( 0 )

		MonitoringDeviceMonitorTimeLimit( 20 )
		MonitoringDeviceAlarmTimeLimit( 10 )
		MonitoringDevicePenaltyTimeLimit( 7 )
		MonitoringDeviceCriticalLevel( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceResetLevel( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesFullBrake( 1 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesEmergencyBrake( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesCutsPower( 0 )
		MonitoringDeviceAppliesShutsDownEngine( 0 )

		Throttle( 0 1 0.125 0
			NumNotches( 9
				Notch( 0     0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.125 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.25  0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.375 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.5   0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.625 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.75  0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.875 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 1     0 Dummy )
            Brake_Engine( 0 1 0.0125 0.3
			NumNotches( 2
				Notch( 0   0 EngineBrakesControllerReleaseStart )
				Notch( 0.3 1 EngineBrakesControllerGraduatedSelfLapLimitedStart )
		Brake_Train( 0 1 0.0125 0.75
			NumNotches( 5
				Notch( 0    0 TrainBrakesControllerReleaseStart )
				Notch( 0.3  1 TrainBrakesControllerGraduatedSelfLapLimitedHoldingStart )
				Notch( 0.85 0 TrainBrakesControllerSuppressionStart )
				Notch( 0.9  0 TrainBrakesControllerContinuousServiceStart )
				Notch( 0.95 0 TrainBrakesControllerEmergencyStart )
		Brake_Dynamic( 0 1 0.11 0 
			NumNotches( 10 
				Notch( 0    0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.11 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.22 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.33 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.44 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.55 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.66 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.77 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 0.88 0 Dummy )
				Notch( 1    0 Dummy )

		DirControl( -1 0 1 1 )
		BellToggle( 0 1 0 )
		AWS( 0 1 0 )
		Sanding( 0 1 0 )
		Horn( 0 1 0 )
		Wipers( 0 1 0 )
		EmergencyStopResetToggle( 0 1 0 )
		EmergencyStopToggle( 0 1 0 )
		Vigilance( 0 1 0 )
		Headlights( 0 0.25 1 0 )

	Sound( "..\\..\\MLT_Required\\MLT_SOUNDS\\SP\\T645_EMDcab.sms" )
	Name( "SP SD45 8957" )

		"The EMD SD45, an pioneer in High Horsepower diesel-electric locomotives, "+
		"most effective pulling heavy loads over long stretches at high speeds.\n\n"+
		"The EMD SD45, was later rebuilt by the SP with 3300 HP engines. "+
		"The SD45's were equipped with SP's 5 light package to the front hood\n\n"+
		"SP Roster: 8800 - 8844, 8845 - 8893, 8894 - 8934, 8935 - 8963, 8982 - 9001, \n\n"+
		"           9002 - 9007, 9008 - 9030, 9031 - 9036, 9037 - 9051, 9069 - 9103, \n\n"+
		"           9104 - 9123 and 9124 - 9151\n\n"+
		"Rebuilt and Renumbered to : 7400 - 7566\n\n"+
		"SSW Roster: 8972 - 8981, 9052 - 9059, 9060 - 9068 and 9152 - 9155\n\n"+
		"Builder: Electro-Motive Division starting in 1968\n\n"+
		"Type: Diesel-Electric\n\n"+
		"Power: 3,600 hp\n\n"+
		"Max. speed: 70 mph(115 km/h)\n\n"+
		"Gear ratio: 62:15\n\n"+
		"Power source: EMD 20-645E3\n\n"+
		"Alternator: AR10\n\n"+
		"Traction Motor: D77B\n\n"+
		"Locomotive Class: EF636-1 \n\n"+
		"Wheel configuration: Twelve 40-inch(102 cm) diameter in C-C configuration
		"(two sets of three driven axles)\n\n"+
		"Height: 15ft. 8in.(4.8m) \n\n"+
		"Width: 10ft. 3in.(3.1) n\n"+
		"Length: 65ft. 9in.(20.1m) \n\n"+
		"Weight: 203.5 U.S. tons (184.6 metric tons)"

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