Digital Rails

File: ROUTES/GM&OSS/Permissions/permission files/gpMILLPERMISSION.txt

Paper Mill with changeable name sign.  RICK LAMP GAVE PERMISSION ALONG TIME AGO.
Model by Rick Lamp
Installation Instructions:

First copy the S and SD files into the "SHAPES" directory of the route of your choosing.

Then copy the standard ACE files to the "TEXTURE" directory of the same route.

Then edit the REF file of the route to include the section from below to the bottom of the existing REF file.

Static (
	Shadow ( RECT )
        Class           ( Buildings )
        Filename        ( GPMill.s )
        Align           ( None )
        Description     ( "Goodness Paper Mill" )

Then add the object(s) to a route using the "ROUTE EDITOR"
Any assistance for installation may be found by going to and posting a question in the forums, or by e-mailing me at

The image files show the Paper Mill in MSTS.
New Original Model by Rick Lamp from Internet Ad.
Paint copied from Ad by Rick Lamp.
This Model/Paint may not be included in any distribution package intended for sale.
This Model/Paint may not be redistributed in any form except by without express permission of the author.

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