Digital Rails

File: ROUTES/GM&OSS/Permissions/permission files/rockcitypermission.txt

ÿþThis is the 2nd in a series in what I call, "The Southern Heritage Series". So far we have the Waffle House, now the "See Rock City" barn, soon the Krispy Kreme, and in the bullpen, the Krystal. These are free to use in any freeware route. If you wish to use them in a payware or shareware route, please contact me at

The Rock City barn is based on the textures of the Track Shack created by Dickey Tarkington.

Feel free to use the textures any way you see fit, so long as you give me credit.

Below if the info that needs to be added to the routes .ref file. The .ace file goes into the routes textures file, and the .s and .sd file go into the routes shapes folder. But then you probably already knew that.


Static (

    Class           ( Buildings )

    Filename        ( Rock_city.s )

    Align           ( None )

    Description     ( Rock_City )




John "ATSFDUDE" Tackett

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