Digital Rails

File: ROUTES/GM&OSS/Permissions/permission files/vehiclepermission.txt

MSTS Vehicles etc. from Monster Truck Madness
Some models imported from Monster Truck Madness 2:
Chevy pickup, 2 vans, B-52, Bus, Yellow cab, Cop car, Backhoe, Loader and Wooden house

There's dozens of other models but those are using 2-20 64x64 textures and are not suitable for MSTS.

Unzip this zip file to your routes folder and then copy the sample.ref to your route's .ref file.

Here's the lines in carspawn.dat:
CarSpawnerItem( "7Copcar.s" 6 )
CarSpawnerItem( "7Cab.s" 6 )
CarSpawnerItem( "7srv.s" 12 )
CarSpawnerItem( "7chevy.s" 7 )
CarSpawnerItem( "7van_Zorin.s" 5 )
CarSpawnerItem( "7van_white.s" 5 )

remember to increase the number at the top by 6.


You may freely use and distribute these files, as long as they are freeware.,

PS. the "7" in the names is just to help me recognize my own creations.

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